Choosing A Healthier Life

Tips To Help You Recover After Knee Surgery

Knee surgery can be a very big deal. Whether you are having surgery due to an injury or a total knee replacement, how you handle your recovery is important. If you don't follow your orthopaedic surgeon's instructions properly, you could hinder your recovery. Read on for tips to help you during your recovery time so you heal properly and are back to yourself after your knee surgery.

Use An Aid

If need be, use an aid such as a cane, walker, or pair of crutches to help you walk. You may need these for one day, a week, or even longer, but only use them if instructed by your physician. If your physician tells you to cease using these aids, you need to follow your physician's advice. Using these aids any longer than necessary may result in you becoming dependent upon these aids.

Don't Overdo It

Only allow as much weight bearing as you can handle. Trying to overdo it can result in injury to your knee. Unless your physician suggests that you start bearing weight on your knee, you shouldn't do so on your own. Remember to go to your physical therapy appointments as instructed and do any exercises or stretches your physical therapist recommends for you. Only do as much as your physician or physical therapist recommends. If you try to do more, it may result in injury.

Don't Just Sit Around

On the other end of the spectrum, sitting around too much can also hinder your recovery. You need to get up and move around as needed. You need to get up and out of bed, even if you need help. Get up and off of the couch to get what you want; don't have someone waiting on you hand and foot. 

Listen To Your Body

Listen to what your body is telling you. If you feel that you can do more, talk to your physician about doing more. If you feel a lot of pain and feel like you aren't able to do any more than what you are already doing, talk to your physician about this as well. You have to listen to your body. If you feel that you are favoring one leg over the other, or notice a difference in your gait, or feel pain elsewhere in your body due to a change in your gait, be sure to talk to your physician.

Knee surgery is important, but the recovery is even more important. Take your physician's advice after your surgery, don't overdo it, and listen to your body.
