Choosing A Healthier Life

Chiropractic Treatment To Reduce Low Back Pain And Delay Surgery

When you have serious low back pain, it's time to find answers. While you can try prescription pain medication to reduce inflammation and muscle tension, this often covers up the problem. If you have been told that you need surgery to correct your problem, it is often useful to look for less invasive ways to manage your condition. Chiropractic care can help you better manage with a bulging disc or an area of arthritis that is causing your pain. If the vertebrae are pressing down on your sciatic nerve, this can cause a range of problems that can be eased with chiropractic treatments. If you don't feel ready for back surgery, a visit to your chiropractor is an excellent option.

Decompression Strategies for Low Back Pain

One way to reduce the compression that is going on in your low back and causing pain is to employ decompression strategies through chiropractic care. This is done through careful manipulation of your spine and traction to reduce the pressure causing you pain. Your chiropractor will be able to determine what area of your spine is causing the pain through diagnostic testing such as X-rays if necessary. Your symptoms will help clarify where the pain originates from and give your chiropractor a clear picture of what is going on.

Strengthening Your Core

Pain in your low back can be reduced when you develop a stronger core. If your pain is severe, you'll need to work with your chiropractor to get the pain under control first. Developing core muscle strength and improving your stomach muscles with both help your low back pain. When your stomach muscles are able to hold your spine in the correct position, you will have less compression within your spine.

When Pain Goes Down Your Leg

If your sciatic nerve is involved, this can cause severe pain down the side of your leg and even into your foot. The pain from a compressed sciatic nerve can be immobilizing and cause you to seek treatment in an emergency room. Through massage, ultrasound, gentle adjustments, and manual therapy, your chiropractor can help reduce the compression on your sciatic nerve in order to improve your pain.

When you have been told that you need back surgery, it will only help you to talk with a chiropractor about what is going on. Chiropractic care can help you manage the pain and delay surgery indefinitely if that is the path you don't want to go down.
