Choosing A Healthier Life

How Orthopedic Rehab Can Promote Healing After Hip Replacement

If you have suffered a hip fracture and underwent hip replacement surgery, then your physician may have recommended that you participate in an orthopedic rehabilitation services program. Not only are these types of programs recommended after hip replacement surgery, but your surgeon may delay your discharge from the hospital unless you complete your rehabilitation therapy. Here are some ways orthopedic rehabilitation services can help promote healing after your hip surgery:

Establishes Optimal Circulation To Your Surgical Wound

When you undergo hip replacement surgery, a prosthetic hip joint is surgically implanted to take the place of your natural hip joint. Because the body may see the prosthetic joint as an invader, rejection may occur. It is for this reason that optimal circulation and blood flow needs to be re-established to your surgical wound to help ensure that your body accepts the prosthesis.

The orthopedic rehabilitation services professional will develop a therapeutic plan of care that will include lower extremity exercises to promote circulation while helping to heal your surgical wound. Orthopedic rehab will also help reduce your risk for infection at your surgical site by helping to enhance adequate blood flow to your suture line.

Restores Proper Ambulatory Function

Unless you participate in a rehabilitation program after your hip replacement surgery, it may be difficult to restore proper ambulatory function. Hip replacement surgery is considered a major procedure, and in addition to post-operative pain, the effects of the surgery can lead to poor balance, weakness, and diminished range-of-motion. Unless you work with a qualified therapist, you may be unable to regain the ability to walk unassisted or without weakness.

Orthopedic rehabilitation can be a lengthy process, so do not lose patience or become discouraged if you feel as though you are not meeting your post-operative goals. As long as you comply with the rehab therapeutic plan of care, you will gradually meet, or even exceed, your goals. In addition to orthopedic benefits, a post-surgical rehabilitation program may also help promote cardiovascular health by boosting your level of fitness.

If you have sustained a hip fracture as a result of a fall and underwent a hip replacement surgery, talk to your physician about the benefits of orthopedic rehabilitation services. He or she will explain why a rehab program will help you regain your strength in the affected extremity so that you can start living your life as it was prior to your injury. 
