Choosing A Healthier Life

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment To Reduce Pain And Improve Confidence

Vaginal rejuvenation involves both surgical and non-surgical strategies to improve the structure and function of the female genitalia. The most common treatment women undergo is a labiaplasty to reduce the size of the labia minor. Women who struggle with symptoms associated with too much friction on their labia while having intercourse or riding a bike view labiaplasty as a way to reduce this friction. Women choose the procedure because of pain or because they are not confident in the way their genitalia looks. Other forms of vaginal rejuvenation treatment include labia majorplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and monsplasty. Whether your genital region is a source of embarrassment or you feel pain in the area, there are options to take care of the issue.

Why Women Choose Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment

Confidence in your own sexuality is a big deal. As women get older, changes to the genitalia can reduce this confidence. When you are in pain while having intercourse, your confidence can drop even further. Vaginal rejuvenation can reduce the size of the labia minor or major, the mons, or the clitoral hood to give you less friction in the area and more pleasure. Each procedure looks to minimize the impact of surgery to give you the look and feel you want when it comes to your genital area.

Improve Vaginal Tightness Through Rejuvenation

Over time, you may feel as if your vagina is simply not tight enough. There are non-surgical ways to tighten your vagina. Whether you want to give your partner more pleasure or you want more for yourself. Tightening your vagina can also improve your bladder control. Laser treatment can produce good results for women who want to strengthen and tighten their vagina. It can also be used to help shrink external tissue and promote collagen production. 

How Vaginas Change Over Time

Problems with dryness and loose, sagging tissue can become apparent, especially as a woman goes through menopause. With vaginal rejuvenation treatment, the symptoms can be better managed, and at some times, reversed. There's no reason to feel a lack of confidence just because you are a bit older. Rejuvenation offers women the chance to look and feel younger.

When you are trying to deal with irritation or excess tissue in your genital area, you have choices. Talk with a vaginal rejuvenation treatment specialist to see what is going on with your body and what you can do to improve.
