Choosing A Healthier Life

Three Ways to Cover up a Port Wine Stain

If you have a port wine stain mark on your skin, you may feel somewhat self-conscious about it and thus want to reduce its visibility. Visiting a dermatologist is a good idea, as this skin-care professional can discuss a variety of methods for lightening the reddish-purple mark. The use of a laser is a common approach, and a few treatments of this nature can lessen your port wine stain by several shades to make it less visible. There are some other ideas that you can consider to complement the laser treatments. Here are three different suggestions.


Many people use makeup to mask their port wine stains. This is especially a viable option if the mark appears on your face. For a port wine stain on your cheek or neck, for example, a moderate layer of foundation that matches the overall hue of your skin can lessen the color of the port wine stain or potentially make it disappear altogether. Even if your mark is on a different part of your body, you can still consider using makeup to cover it up and do so with a high degree of success.


The manner in which you wear or grow your hair can also be a simple way to cover up your port wine stain. If you have the mark around your ear or high on your forehead, for example, you may wish to wear your hair longer. This is an easy choice for women, but even men can consult their barber to discuss a variety of hairstyles that they can use to cover the mark naturally. Men may also wish to grow facial hair if they have a port wine stain where facial hair might cover. For example, in the case of a mark on your cheek, a beard can often be effective at disguising the mark.


A more permanent way to cover up your port wine stain is to do so with a tattoo. Lots of people turn to body ink to hide imperfections on their skin and can do so effectively. You have two basic options here — you could have your tattoo artist come up with a design that incorporates the natural color and shape of your port wine stain into the image, or you could go with a big and bold tattoo that is placed directly over the mark to hide it. Obviously, this approach will depend on where the mark is situated on your body and how comfortable you are with tattoos. 
