Choosing A Healthier Life

Caring For Your Feet This Winter: 4 Tips

Winter can be harsh on your feet. You aren't going out barefoot, but your feet can get dry and cracked during those cold, winter months. Your feet may get a bit neglected throughout winter, but you need to be sure you pay close attention to your feet and toes. Read on for foot care tips to follow this winter.

1. Keep Them Moisturized

Dry feet can be painful, especially when they begin to crack. Those cracks can sometimes be deep and leave you with sores that could get infected if you aren't careful. Help keep your feet hydrated and moisturized by using a thick moisturizer or foot lotion on your feet each night. Follow up the moisturizer with a pair of fuzzy and soft socks. Sleep in the socks all night to hold in the moisturizer. 

2. Remove Dead Skin

Slough off the dead skin on your feet with a pumice stone, foot file, or a rotating foot file. Never pull at dead skin or peeling skin. Doing this can cause your skin to tear deep into your foot and leave you with sores. Instead, use a pair of clippers to clip off the skin, then slough off the skin. Slough off the dead skin after showering, bathing, or soaking your feet. Softening your feet helps remove the dead skin cells without injury.

3. Protect Your Feet

Help protect your feet by wearing wool socks, which will keep your feet warm and also wick sweat away from your feet to keep them dry. In cold temperatures, your feet can easily become frostbitten. Protect your feet when out in these cold temperatures. Be sure your socks are not too tight, which can restrict blood flow to your feet. Your shoes/boots should also fit your feet comfortably as well. Don't tie your shoes/boots too tightly to help keep blood flowing to your feet. Be sure your boots/shoes are waterproof to prevent ice and snow from getting to your feet.

4. Soak Your Feet

Soak your feet in warm water and Epsom salts. This can help heal tired and sore feet while also helping to remove dead skin cells and toxins from the feet. Add lavender essential oil to the water to also heal your feet and to give them a good scent. Do this at least once per week.

Winter is not the time to put socks on your feet and forget about them until spring. You need to care for them each and every season of the year. Don't neglect your feet, or you could end up with issues. Make an appointment with your podiatrist at a clinic such as Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC if you are experiencing problems with your feet this winter (or any other season).
