Choosing A Healthier Life

3 Signs Your Baby Is Taking In Sufficient Milk

Breastfeeding can be a miraculous way to feed your baby. Unfortunately, for some mothers, breastfeeding is not enough for supplying their newborn baby with imperative nutrients. All babies are different, so your baby may require a different amount of breastmilk each day than another baby of the same age. However, all newborn babies should be fed every 1.5 to 3 hours. As your baby grows, their stomach will grow, allowing them to take in more milk at fewer times during the day. If you are concerned whether your baby's consumption, here are a few signs that your newborn is getting an appropriate amount of milk.

Weight Gain

One of the most obvious signs your newborn is consuming sufficient milk is if they are gaining weight. The weight gain may be not visibly noticeable, but you will see the numbers on the scale increase at each pediatric checkup.

Of course, you need to remember that your baby's weight will fluctuate greatly during the first few days after being born. They may lose a few ounces initially and then quickly gain a few ounces and pounds over the course of their first few weeks.

As long as your baby is putting on weight, they are growing and developing, giving you assurance that they are taking in a good amount of milk.

Full Diapers

Again, all babies are different, but a baby who is being fed sufficiently will fill their diapers continuously. The number of wet and messy diapers from urinating and bowel movements respectively will vary, especially the first few days after birth, since your baby's body is adjusting to their new diet.

On your baby's first day of life, breastfeeding will cause them to have at least one messy diaper. On their second day of life, your baby will have two messy diapers. After 5 days, your breastfed baby should not have anymore than 5 messy diapers. These messy diapers are in addition to the wet diapers that occur from urinating.

As long as your baby is producing adequate amounts of urine and bowel movements, they should be consuming a sufficient amount of breast milk.


Another sign that your baby is consuming enough breast milk is if they feel content after feeding. Your baby may be fussy before feeding, and they may experience some fussiness and discomfort after feeding if gassy, but they will quickly feel sleepy and content.

If your baby is attempting to suckle again or will not fall asleep, they may require more milk to feel satisfied. Talk to a pediatrician, like those at Willow Oak Pediatrics, if you have any concerns.
