Choosing A Healthier Life

4 Tips To Help You Treat Your Sick Child

You love your child and want the best for them. That's why it can be so upsetting when your child is sick and you don't know how to help them. Although you can't magically make your child's illness disappear, there are still steps you can take to make them more comfortable and make sure they're safe. Here are four tips you can use to treat your sick child:

1. Give them plenty of fluids.

Dehydration can make your child feel much worse, so make sure they're drinking plenty of liquids. Your child may not want to drink, especially if a fever is making them feel lethargic, so encourage them to drink at least every half hour. If they don't want to drink plain water, you can offer them fruit juice. Dilute the fruit juice with a little water to make sure they're not ingesting too much sugar. If your child is vomiting and not able to keep liquid down for longer than a day, you should take them to a same day clinic because they might need intravenous fluids.

2. Let your child rest.

Rest is one of the best ways to help your child overcome their illness. Encourage them to sleep by making their room a quiet, peaceful place. Draw the blinds to make their room dark, and encourage them to get into their pajamas. A favorite stuffed toy can bring your child comfort while they rest in bed. Make sure to tell the rest of your family that your sick loved one needs rest, and instruct them to keep the noise to a minimum.

3. Monitor your child's breathing.

A stuffy nose isn't something to be too concerned about. If it's bothering your child, you can rub some mentholated vapor cream on their chest to open up their nasal passages. However, if this doesn't help, and your child seems like they're having difficulty breathing, you should seek medical help. Difficulty breathing may be a sign of an asthma attack or allergies, and both of these conditions should be treated by a doctor right away.

4. Watch out for a high fever.

In most cases, a fever is a healthy and normal sign that your child's body is fighting their illness. However, high fever is a cause for concern since it can cause permanent damage or death. According to Mayo Clinic, you should take your child to a same day clinic if their temperature is over 102 degrees.

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