Choosing A Healthier Life

Adults With Cracked Heels: Take Drastic Steps To Protect Your Skin

If nothing you do prevents your heels from cracking, look elsewhere for the solutions you need. The foot creams and products you purchase from your local pharmacy might not be strong enough to fight the dryness in your heel skin. In this case, you need to take more drastic and effective steps to protect your delicate heels. Learn more about your cracked heel skin and how to hydrate and protect it below.

Is There a Reason for Your Cracked Heels?

Many things can make the skin on your heels crack, peel, and potentially bleed, including nerve damage and diabetes. Your heels can also crack if you spend long periods of time soaking in hot water, or if you wear shoes that rub against your skin. Dehydration can also make your heels crack. All of these potential problems can dry out, irritate, and bruise the delicate skin covering your heels.

If you do suffer from any of the conditions listed above, take steps to remedy them. For instance, if you suffer from dehydration, try to amp up your fluid intake during the day. If you suffer from diabetes, ask your regular physician to monitor your blood sugar levels more frequently. High glucose levels can damage the nerves and cells in your skin that keep it moist and supple.

If you still experience cracks in your heels, consult with a podiatry specialist right away.

How Can a Podiatrist Protect Your Cracked Heels?

A podiatrist may do a few things to treat your foot condition, including exfoliating (removing) any thick, dead skin from your heels. Dead skin can bleed if it cracks too much. Bacteria and other germs can enter and infect the opened skin on your heels. Infections can be dangerous for anyone who suffers from diabetes and other health problems. 

In addition to exfoliating your heel skin, a podiatrist may ask you to apply medicated cream or balm to your feet. The medication helps your skin stay moist and healthy. Be sure to cover your feet with soft, protective socks during your treatment, especially when you retire to bed. You want to keep the medication from rubbing off your skin during the night. If you can't find supportive socks at your local store or pharmacy, contact a podiatrist immediately. A foot doctor may be able to order your socks online.

If you need immediate help soothing your cracked heels, contact a foot doctor near you today.
