Choosing A Healthier Life

3 Tips For Treating A Stress Fracture In Your Foot

A stress fracture in your foot is a painful injury, typically caused by overuse from playing sports or running long distances. When the muscles and tendons in your feet are overused, they can not absorb shock as well as usual. This leads to a small fracture in one of the bones in your foot due to the impact. A stress fracture is unlikely to heal properly unless you follow specific tips and precautions. Here are three tips for treating a stress fracture in your foot:

See a Foot Doctor

If you haven't been officially diagnosed with a stress fracture, it's important to have your foot examined by a podiatrist. Even if you are certain you have a stress fracture, you could actually have another painful foot condition with similar symptoms, which may require different treatment. Once you are diagnosed with a stress fracture, your podiatrist will also tell you how severe the fracture is, how long you need to avoid putting weight on your foot, and they will likely also advise you on ways to avoid another stress fracture in the future.

Protect Your Foot at First

Based on your doctor's recommendation, you will need to avoid putting full weight on your foot for anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Your doctor may prescribe crutches or a knee scooter during this time. In addition, you will need to spend time each day elevating and icing your foot in order to reduce swelling. Your doctor may also give you a prescription for pain medication. It's crucial to avoid the activities that led to your injury until you are completely healed and have an official go-ahead from your foot doctor.

Begin Bearing Weight the Right Way

Once your foot is healed enough to bear weight, it's important to do so instead of continuing to use your crutches. Bearing weight at this stage actually stimulates the bone to continue healing. While it's good to walk normally during this time, you will want to do so with care. Wear comfortable, sturdy shoes with plenty of cushion and arch support. Avoid high impact exercise until your bone has completely healed. If you experience pain after walking, take a break to ice and elevate your foot and then try again the next day once the pain subsides.  

While a stress fracture is painful and inconvenient, by following these tips you should begin to experience healing within weeks. Visit a site like for more help.
