Choosing A Healthier Life

How Massage Therapy Helps When You Work At A Computer All Day

Sitting at a desk all day for work takes a toll on your body. If you work on a computer for long hours, you can develop neck and back pain, especially if you have poor posture. To prevent problems with your neck and back, you should have an ergonomic work area, stretch frequently, stand as often as you can, and do exercises that keep your core muscles strong so you can maintain good posture. Another thing that can help with muscle strain and tension is massage therapy. Here's how it can help.

Massage Works Tension Out Of Muscles

If your job is stressful, you may hold tension in your shoulder, neck, and back muscles. Even if your job doesn't cause you stress, you may develop physical tension in your muscles due to the way you sit and work all day. A massage therapist helps work the tension and knots out of your muscles by kneading them to loosen your shoulders and back. This helps you feel better physically and it relaxes you mentally as well. Relieving tension helps fight back and neck pain that's caused by tight muscles. Even taking a quick chair massage on your lunch break or after work can be enough to recharge you, lift your mood, and help with shoulder, neck, and back pain.

Massage Improves Blood Flow To Your Back

Pain is often caused by micro-damage to the tissues in your neck and back area. The damage can be caused by strain that leads to soreness and stiffness. Massage treatments increase blood flow to the area being worked on, and the blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues so they can heal these damaged areas in your muscles. Being sedentary at a desk all day can make you feel sluggish since you don't get much movement, and massage therapy helps get blood flowing through your tissues so you feel invigorated. Massage therapy can energize you as well as relax you, so having a massage on your lunch hour is a good way to make it through a long work day.

Massage Therapy Can Be Therapeutic

Massage treatments might even benefit your health. The relaxing nature of a massage can reduce your stress, and relieving stress can have a beneficial effect on your health. Plus, the act of massaging tissues can break up adhesions that cause pain and this can be a treatment that might help an injury from an accident or repetitive motion at work. A massage is often thought of as something that relaxes your mind and improves your mood, but the effects it has on your physical body are just as important to consider.

No matter what kind of job you have, you can probably benefit from regular massage therapy, even if you can only squeeze in a short session during your break. However, you should also schedule a longer massage session after your workday so you can fully unwind and release the stress and tension you acquired during the day.
