Choosing A Healthier Life

Tips For Allergy Relief This Spring

With the start of spring, Mother Nature will begin to recover from her winter slumber. While this can mean warmer weather and a prettier landscape, it also means there will be pollen and other substances in the air which can trigger an allergic reaction. If you want to get through this allergy season without suffering, here are some tips that might help.

Keep Your Windows Closed

Opening up a window on a warm spring day can feel great, especially if your area was especially cold in the winter. But doing so will allow the pollen from outside an easy entrance into your home. Do what you can to keep pollen outside by locking down every window in your home until allergy season passes.

Take a Shower

Yes, we know you likely shower every morning anyway, but we are actually advising that you might want to take more than one. When you go outside during the day, pollen can attach itself to your hair or clothing. You will then end up bringing this substance back into your home when you return from work or school. Consider taking a shower as soon as you return home to keep the pollen from spreading throughout your home.

Change or Wash Your Bedding

If you do let pollen linger on your body, it's possible a good bit of it will end up wiping off on your bedding when you go to sleep at night. For best results, get into the habit of washing your bedding much more frequently than you do during other times of the year.

Ask Someone Else to Clean

Spring cleaning is a great way to renew your house after a long winter but it's also a great way to expose yourself to all kinds of potential irritants. As you move all of that dust around, various irritants will get into the air and possibly into your body as you breathe it in. If you are especially sensitive during allergy season, ask someone else to clean for you. You might even want to leave the house entirely until the dust settles. If you absolutely must do the cleaning yourself, invest in a good dust mask and some rubber gloves and then shower after you are done.

If you want to avoid being miserable this allergy season, be more aware of how pollen and other irritants build up in your house and take steps to keep these things at bay.  If you encounter an ongoing allergy problem, reach out to a professional for allergy treatment today.
