Choosing A Healthier Life

Easing Minor Side Effects After Your COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 vaccines are quite effective at preventing severe illness and death from the novel coronavirus. However, many people do experience minor, flu-like side effects for a day or so after they receive their vaccine. There's no reason to be alarmed by these side effects as they are entirely normal and just mean your immune system is functioning properly. However, you may want to take the following steps to minimize your discomfort and help yourself feel better.

Drink plenty of fluids

Water will help your immune system react appropriately to the vaccine, and it will also help you feel less feverish and tired. It can be hard to remember to drink water when you're under the weather, but doing so is essential. Try buying some water flavoring drops, or even just adding some lemon juice to your water to make it more interesting. Some people like to set an alarm for every hour, on the hour. When the alarm goes off, they drink an 8-ounce glass of water.

Get some rest

If you absolutely must go to work the day after your vaccine, then try to get some rest as soon as you get home. Don't schedule anything big that evening. Just camp out in front of the television, watch a good movie, and maybe play some cards with a family member. Rest will help your immune system get its work out of the way faster so your side effects dissipate sooner.

Take a cool shower

This tip is especially helpful if you're feeling a bit feverish and developing chills, which is pretty common after the COVID-19 vaccine. Taking a cool shower will help lower your body temperature and ward off the fever. The water does not have to be outright cold. It can just be slightly cooler than room temperature. If taking a shower is not an option, holding a cool, damp cloth against your forehead can have a similar effect.

Drink something with a little caffeine

While drinking a whole pot of coffee may not be that great for you, drinking a cup or two of your favorite caffeinated beverage can really help if your key side effect is feeling run down and lethargic. The caffeine will perk you up just a little bit so you feel more like yourself.

The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are quite minor for most people. And with the tips above, you can make them even less bothersome. Keep these tips in mind when scheduling to have a COVID-19 vaccine shot.
