Choosing A Healthier Life

Early Signs Of Hearing Loss In Middle-Aged Adults

Hearing loss is often thought of as an elderly person's problem. But in fact, there are many adults who begin losing their hearing in middle age. It may simply go undetected until they are older and more aware that hearing loss is something they should look out for. But recognizing hearing loss earlier on is always a good idea. Here are some early signs of hearing loss to look out for in middle age.

Trouble hearing when there is background noise.

Do you ever find yourself turning the music off when someone stops to talk to you or struggling to understand what someone says to you when they're talking to you in a crowd? This could be an early sign of hearing loss. It is common for those just developing hearing loss to struggle to hear sounds when there is a lot of background noise. You may not even notice this at first, but friends and family members might point out that you frequently miss what they have to say when they talk to you in busy situations.

Thinking others are slurring their speech.

You might have an acquaintance or two who does slur their speech. However, if you often find yourself thinking that people are speaking with a slur, it's more likely the problem is with your own hearing. Often, the ability to hear consonant sounds is the first to diminish when you develop hearing loss. This makes peoples' speech sound like they're not pronouncing things clearly.

Turning up the volume.

When you turn on the television after someone else has watched it, do you always find yourself turning up the volume? If this is a new habit for you, then it could be that your hearing loss is starting to impede your ability to hear the TV clearly. Pay attention to whether it happens to multiple devices and after multiple people have used them.

Fatigue after conversations.

There are a lot of reasons why one might feel fatigued after a conversation. It could just have been a difficult conversation! But if you're frequently finding yourself feeling worn out after simply talking to others, it could be because you're having to expend more energy than usual just to listen. That could be because you're starting to lose your hearing.

If you are dealing with any signs of early hearing loss, make plans to see a doctor sooner rather than later. It's always worth getting good care on time.
