Choosing A Healthier Life

GERD Treatments That Help Control Your Symptoms

If you have GERD, you know how it impacts your life in negative ways. You may have nausea and heartburn often and have trouble eating meals. There are GERD treatments that might help. Discuss options with your doctor to find a way to manage your symptoms so you have a better quality of life. Here are some GERD treatment options to consider.

Weight Loss

Weight loss can have a significant impact on your GERD symptoms. The extra weight from obesity puts pressure on your stomach which causes stomach acid to enter your esophagus. If you lose weight, you might have less heartburn and other symptoms of GERD. Since weight loss can be a slow process, you might need additional GERD treatments to manage your symptoms while you lose weight. If you have a hard time sticking to a diet and losing weight, your doctor might even recommend weight loss surgery if you're a good candidate.

Lifestyle Changes

Your doctor may recommend you stop drinking alcohol and smoking. You might also need to give up caffeine and avoid large meals. Your doctor can supply you with a list of foods that increase stomach acid or slow down digestion so you can avoid them as much as possible. By avoiding foods that give you heartburn, you might be able to control your GERD without having surgical procedures. Other lifestyle changes you might make include sleeping with the head of your bed elevated, not lying down after eating, and wearing loose clothing.

GERD Medications

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor might recommend over-the-counter antacids or prescription medications. GERD medications decrease the acid in your stomach. Decreasing stomach acid helps heal existing current esophageal erosions and prevents new ones. With less acid, there should be less acid entering your esophagus. Always take over-the-counter medications with your doctor's knowledge and approval since too many antacids could have the opposite effect.


Fundoplication is a medical treatment for GERD. This involves a minimally invasive surgical procedure that tightens the esophageal muscle by wrapping your stomach around the lower esophagus. This surgery can be done as a partial or complete procedure. Fundoplication can also be done through your throat by using fasteners rather than wrapping your stomach. This procedure requires no incisions and has a quick recovery time.

Magnetic Beads

Another medical GERD treatment uses magnetic beads placed around the area where your esophagus and stomach meet. The magnetic attraction between the beads is strong enough to keep your esophagus closed and block acid from moving through. However, the beads are weak enough that they don't interfere with normal swallowing. The beads are implanted with a minimally invasive surgical procedure. 

Click here for info on GERD treatment.
