Three Ways to Cover up a Port Wine Stain

If you have a port wine stain mark on your skin, you may feel somewhat self-conscious about it and thus want to reduce its visibility. Visiting a dermatologist is a good idea, as this skin-care professional can discuss a variety of methods for lightening the reddish-purple mark. The use of a laser is a common approach, and a few treatments of this nature can lessen your port wine stain by several shades to make it less visible. [Read More]

3 Tips For Choosing The Inscription On A Headstone

Choosing a headstone for a loved one isn't the easiest job in the world. However, once you have that task out of the way, you are still left with more decisions, such as choosing an inscription for the headstone. The inscription is something that will last forever, so you want to choose something that is not only short and concise, but that it warm, memorable, and representative of the individual being commemorated. [Read More]

3 Reasons Nutrition Is Important For Athletes

Understanding nutrition and having regular consultations with a nutritionist is imperative for athletes of any type. What you eat can be more important than your training regimen and make you a better athlete. Bulking/Cutting Cycles Fine-tuning your nutrition is important for both bulking and cutting cycles. During a bulking phase, you will consume more calories to increase muscle mass, while minimizing the amount of body fat you gain. Your diet will contain a higher percentage of carbohydrates, protein, and fats than you would normally eat during maintenance. [Read More]

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment To Reduce Pain And Improve Confidence

Vaginal rejuvenation involves both surgical and non-surgical strategies to improve the structure and function of the female genitalia. The most common treatment women undergo is a labiaplasty to reduce the size of the labia minor. Women who struggle with symptoms associated with too much friction on their labia while having intercourse or riding a bike view labiaplasty as a way to reduce this friction. Women choose the procedure because of pain or because they are not confident in the way their genitalia looks. [Read More]