
Reasons To Consider An Urgent Care Over A Hospital Visit

When you have a medical emergency, you don't always need a hospital, but you may not be able to wait for an appointment with your family doctor. The option to visit urgent care is sometimes better than going to the hospital but may not be right in every situation. Here are some reasons to consider urgent care over a hospital visit. Fast and Efficient  Anytime you go to the doctor you want to feel like you have a solution to the medical issue you are having, and a trip to the emergency room or urgent care is no different, Many times the emergency room is busy and even overwhelmed with patients so the wait time can be long and frustrating.

3 Tips For Treating A Stress Fracture In Your Foot

A stress fracture in your foot is a painful injury, typically caused by overuse from playing sports or running long distances. When the muscles and tendons in your feet are overused, they can not absorb shock as well as usual. This leads to a small fracture in one of the bones in your foot due to the impact. A stress fracture is unlikely to heal properly unless you follow specific tips and precautions.

Why Medications Often Aren't Used To Treat Sleep Apnea

Medications are not usually used as the main method of treating sleep apnea. However, when you are having a difficult time getting sleep apnea under control, your doctor might recommend that you use one of several medications. But there are several reasons why medications are often not recommended. The Effects of Sleep Apnea Medications Some medications promote wakefulness and are commonly referred to as benzodiazepines. Those who take these medications are more likely to suffer from headaches, nausea and grogginess.

5 Benefits Of Using Smart IV Pumps

When in a medical or hospital setting, it's important that patients get their proper medications in a timely manner and correct dosage. This can help to keep them healthy and, in some cases, even alive. With improved technology, medical advancements have been made and new devices are being used to give medication. One of these devices is the smart IV pump. This is used to deliver medication or nutrients into a patient's body.

4 Tips To Help You Treat Your Sick Child

You love your child and want the best for them. That's why it can be so upsetting when your child is sick and you don't know how to help them. Although you can't magically make your child's illness disappear, there are still steps you can take to make them more comfortable and make sure they're safe. Here are four tips you can use to treat your sick child: 1. Give them plenty of fluids.

3 Signs Your Baby Is Taking In Sufficient Milk

Breastfeeding can be a miraculous way to feed your baby. Unfortunately, for some mothers, breastfeeding is not enough for supplying their newborn baby with imperative nutrients. All babies are different, so your baby may require a different amount of breastmilk each day than another baby of the same age. However, all newborn babies should be fed every 1.5 to 3 hours. As your baby grows, their stomach will grow, allowing them to take in more milk at fewer times during the day.

Adults With Cracked Heels: Take Drastic Steps To Protect Your Skin

If nothing you do prevents your heels from cracking, look elsewhere for the solutions you need. The foot creams and products you purchase from your local pharmacy might not be strong enough to fight the dryness in your heel skin. In this case, you need to take more drastic and effective steps to protect your delicate heels. Learn more about your cracked heel skin and how to hydrate and protect it below.

Have Been Told You Need Hearing Aids? 4 Benefits Of Choosing Digital Hearing Aids

If you have been told by your doctor that you need hearing aids you have different options to choose from. One of these options is digital hearing aids. To help you decide if you would like this below are four benefits of choosing to go digital so you can start hearing well again. Ability to Reprogram One of the main benefits of choosing digital hearing aids is that they can be programmed to make needed changes to help with your hearing loss.

Can't Fit Into An Heirloom Dress? Consider Coolsculpting

As generations pass, mothers may pass their wedding dress to their daughter for her ceremony. In some cases, these dresses may be heirlooms from grandmothers and great grandmothers. Unfortunately, a little weight gain may make fitting into these dresses hard. Thankfully, Coolsculpting may help. Heirloom Dresses Create A Family Tradition It isn't uncommon for wedding dresses to pass through multiple generations of a family, especially if the mothers and daughters maintain a similar frame and physique.

Folliculitis: What's Causing the Breakouts on Your Booty?

If you suffer from painful pimples and bumps on your buttocks, you may think you have booty acne. Although you can get acne on your buttocks, your breakouts might not be acne after all. You could have folliculitis instead. Learn more about your booty breakouts and how to proactively stop them below. Why Is Your Buttock Skin Prone to Breakouts? Acne typically shows up on your cheekbones, chest, chin, and forehead.